SVE Instruction List by Dougall Johnson
See "FDOT (vectors)" in the exploration tools

FDOT (vectors): Half-precision floating-point dot product

FDOT Zda.S, Zn.H, Zm.H (SVE2.1 (SME2

128-bit SVE

For each pair of 16-bit floats from (1) and (2), compute the dot-product, then add the result to the corresponding 32-bit float accumulator from (3), setting (4) to the total. See the documentation for the exact order of operations.

256-bit SVE

For each pair of 16-bit floats from (1) and (2), compute the dot-product, then add the result to the corresponding 32-bit float accumulator from (3), setting (4) to the total. See the documentation for the exact order of operations.

512-bit SVE

For each pair of 16-bit floats from (1) and (2), compute the dot-product, then add the result to the corresponding 32-bit float accumulator from (3), setting (4) to the total. See the documentation for the exact order of operations.

Larger sizes

1024-bit SVE

For each pair of 16-bit floats from (1) and (2), compute the dot-product, then add the result to the corresponding 32-bit float accumulator from (3), setting (4) to the total. See the documentation for the exact order of operations.

2048-bit SVE

For each pair of 16-bit floats from (1) and (2), compute the dot-product, then add the result to the corresponding 32-bit float accumulator from (3), setting (4) to the total. See the documentation for the exact order of operations.

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Inspired by and based on the x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List by Daytime.