SVE Instruction List by Dougall Johnson
See "FMSB" in the exploration tools

FMSB: Floating-point fused multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = Za + -Zdn * Zm]

FMSB Zdn.H, Pg/M, Zm.H, Za.H (SVE (SME
svfloat16_t svmsb[_f16]_m(svbool_t pg, svfloat16_t op1, svfloat16_t op2, svfloat16_t op3)

128-bit SVE

For each 16-bit float set (4) to (3) − (1) * (2).

256-bit SVE

For each 16-bit float set (4) to (3) − (1) * (2).

512-bit SVE

For each 16-bit float set (4) to (3) − (1) * (2).

Larger sizes

1024-bit SVE

For each 16-bit float set (4) to (3) − (1) * (2).

2048-bit SVE

For each 16-bit float set (4) to (3) − (1) * (2).

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Inspired by and based on the x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List by Daytime.