SVE Instruction List by Dougall Johnson
See "INDEX (immediates)" in the exploration tools

INDEX (immediates): Create index starting from and incremented by immediate

INDEX Zd.B, #imm1, #imm2 (SVE (SME
svint8_t svindex_s8(int8_t base, int8_t step)
svuint8_t svindex_u8(uint8_t base, uint8_t step)

128-bit SVE

Fill the 8-bit lanes of (3), with values starting from (1) in the lowest lane, and incrementing by (2) for each subsequent lane. Both immediate values are limited to -16 ≤ imm ≤ 15.

256-bit SVE

Fill the 8-bit lanes of (3), with values starting from (1) in the lowest lane, and incrementing by (2) for each subsequent lane. Both immediate values are limited to -16 ≤ imm ≤ 15.

512-bit SVE

Fill the 8-bit lanes of (3), with values starting from (1) in the lowest lane, and incrementing by (2) for each subsequent lane. Both immediate values are limited to -16 ≤ imm ≤ 15.

Larger sizes

1024-bit SVE

Fill the 8-bit lanes of (3), with values starting from (1) in the lowest lane, and incrementing by (2) for each subsequent lane. Both immediate values are limited to -16 ≤ imm ≤ 15.

2048-bit SVE

Fill the 8-bit lanes of (3), with values starting from (1) in the lowest lane, and incrementing by (2) for each subsequent lane. Both immediate values are limited to -16 ≤ imm ≤ 15.

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Inspired by and based on the x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List by Daytime.