SVE Instruction List by Dougall Johnson
See "LD1W (scalar plus scalar, single register)" in the exploration tools

LD1W (scalar plus scalar, single register): Contiguous load unsigned words to vector (scalar index)

LD1W { Zt.S }, Pg/Z, [Xn, Xm, LSL #2] (SVE (SME
svfloat32_t svld1[_f32](svbool_t pg, const float32_t *base)
svint32_t svld1[_s32](svbool_t pg, const int32_t *base)
svuint32_t svld1[_u32](svbool_t pg, const uint32_t *base)

128-bit SVE

Load 32-bit values from the memory operand (1) into the register (2). If the predicate bit corresponding to an element in (2) is zero, that load is skipped, and cannot cause a fault, and the element is set to zero.

256-bit SVE

Load 32-bit values from the memory operand (1) into the register (2). If the predicate bit corresponding to an element in (2) is zero, that load is skipped, and cannot cause a fault, and the element is set to zero.

512-bit SVE

Load 32-bit values from the memory operand (1) into the register (2). If the predicate bit corresponding to an element in (2) is zero, that load is skipped, and cannot cause a fault, and the element is set to zero.

Larger sizes

1024-bit SVE

Load 32-bit values from the memory operand (1) into the register (2). If the predicate bit corresponding to an element in (2) is zero, that load is skipped, and cannot cause a fault, and the element is set to zero.

2048-bit SVE

Load 32-bit values from the memory operand (1) into the register (2). If the predicate bit corresponding to an element in (2) is zero, that load is skipped, and cannot cause a fault, and the element is set to zero.

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Inspired by and based on the x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List by Daytime.