SVE Instruction List by Dougall Johnson
See "UMAXP" in the exploration tools

UMAXP: Unsigned maximum pairwise

UMAXP Zdn.B, Pg/M, Zdn.B, Zm.B (SVE2 (SME
svuint8_t svmaxp[_u8]_m(svbool_t pg, svuint8_t op1, svuint8_t op2)

128-bit SVE

Compare adjacent pairs of unsigned 8-bit integer elements and set even elements of (3) to the maximums of pairs from (1), and the odd elements to the maximums of pairs from (2).

256-bit SVE

Compare adjacent pairs of unsigned 8-bit integer elements and set even elements of (3) to the maximums of pairs from (1), and the odd elements to the maximums of pairs from (2).

512-bit SVE

Compare adjacent pairs of unsigned 8-bit integer elements and set even elements of (3) to the maximums of pairs from (1), and the odd elements to the maximums of pairs from (2).

Larger sizes

1024-bit SVE

Compare adjacent pairs of unsigned 8-bit integer elements and set even elements of (3) to the maximums of pairs from (1), and the odd elements to the maximums of pairs from (2).

2048-bit SVE

Compare adjacent pairs of unsigned 8-bit integer elements and set even elements of (3) to the maximums of pairs from (1), and the odd elements to the maximums of pairs from (2).

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Inspired by and based on the x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List by Daytime.